The Data Matching Program is designed to compare information provided by taxpayers with various databases. This program serves the following purposes:
- Understanding tax obligations, including registration, filing, reporting, and payment.
- Protecting honest businesses from unfair competition.
- Facilitating individual taxpayers in fulfilling their declarations.
- Assessing the voluntary compliance levels of tax obligations for individuals and businesses.
By cross-referencing information, the tax office can identify discrepancies and notify individuals and businesses to investigate the reasons. If all income has not been declared or if there is an error in taxdata, the taxpayer must correct or modify the declaration.
The Data Matching Program collects data from various sources, including:
1. Credit and Debit Cards: Data is obtained from banks and financial institutions to identify the total credit and debit card payments received by Australian businesses.
2. Specialized Payment Systems: Data on electronic payments made through specialized payment systems to Australian businesses is collected and analyzed alongside credit and debit card data.
3. Online Sales: Information from online sellers ofgoods and services worth $12,000 or more.
4. Ride-Sourcing Hiring: Data from all ride-sourcing facilitators (individuals renting vehicles for passenger services – Uber) operating in Australia, including their financial institutions to identify ride-sourcing drivers.
5. Vehicle Registration: Data from all state and territory motor vehicle registration agencies to identify all motor vehicles sold, transferred, or newly registered when the transfer or market value is $10,000 or more.
6. Cryptocurrencies: Buying and selling information.
7. Public Agencies: Pensions, benefits, taxable bonuses, grants, and other payments.
After the filing period, the ATO compared information provided by a taxpayer with the Medicare database. Upon comparison, it was evident that the taxpayer did not apply to determine eligibility for exemption from Medicare levy. Consequently, the taxpayer was notified and must apply for the specified period, make the necessary correction, and pay if required.
NOTE: Presenting a voluntary correction to the taxoffice is advisable.